Biorhythm Homeotherapy


The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health.

Bringing mental, emotional, and physical balance to the body’s natural biorhythms with homeopathy.

Bringing mental, emotional, and physical balance to the body’s natural biorhythms with homeopathy.

Bring balance to the natural biorhythm of the body by Empowering the vital force of individuals.

Bring balance to the natural biorhythm of the body by Improving well being in individuals.

Bring balance to the natural biorhythm of the body by Treating health issues with no harm or side-effects to patients
Bring balance to the natural biorhythm of the body by Reducing mental and physical sickness.

Bring balance to the natural biorhythm of the body by Increased energy and success in individual’s life.


Homeopathic treatments suit a variety of different ailments and we can help you find what fits your needs best.

The lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way.

About us

Zahra Saghai, BScN, CCRA, DHMHS, HOM

Zahra has 20+ years of experience in healthcare field. As a registered homeopath in Canada Ontario, she runs a family practice treating patients globally. She began her education and career in nursing, working in different hospital departments including ICU, CCU, children department and others. She later taught nursing in university …


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Samuel Hahnemann


Homeopathy medicine is a medical art invented by Doctor Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician (1755- 1843). He was a physician, chemist, linguist and historian, and was adept in more than five different languages. In the early stages of his medical practice, he noticed that the regular method of treatment was causing more harm than treatment for the patient. Read more about Homeopathy>